Photo by the fabulous Jenica LemonsMama: I can't believe you are going to be Five! I remember when you were just a little baby.
Moo: um yes. I can't believe you are a girl.
Mama: huh.
Needless to say he has become recently discouraged by the lack of Princess dresses in my wardrobe (any dress will do in this scenario) Also princess shoes. "LIKE DOROTHY!" we seem to be sadly lacking in those as well. He constantly suggests that I buy one or the other when we are at Fred Meyers. "look at this princess dress!! It is PERFECT for you!". Also he would like one for his birthday.
He is not getting one.
He is getting a sleeping cap (like in the Night before Christmas, which he can recite verbatim-I"m actually concerned that with his memory that he may never actually learn to read) because he insists on wearing a Santa hat to bed every night as a night cap. Also he only wears button down pajamas (Thank goodness cousin hand me downs) now.

An outfit completed by his robe and slippers (no pipe yet-occasional bow tie). When asked by his 14 year old self why I would dress him in such a fashion I will have no answer. I have no idea where this child gets his fashion sense, but I'm suspecting it is one of his Great Grandfathers.

He is also getting a small quilt featuring the yellow brick road (not the pattern). The quilt, as of 8:54pm the night before his birthday is officially, not even close to be finished. Much like the sleeping cap which is officially unstarted. Ahem.
If you need me, (don't need me kay?) I'll be at the sewing machine pretending to be a girl...
I'm not wearing the heels though little dude. Let it go.