Saturday, January 28, 2006

Born to be bad

Due to his new found ability to climb on everything the house especially if it is near a light switch. Mr. Moo has been spending a lot of time in TimeOut.

born to be bad

I don't think it's working....

Monday, January 23, 2006

Pop Pop and Pinocchio

Pop Pop visited this weekend, there was much playing in the mud puddles (and face planting) and then a little Pinocchio watching.
poppop and pinocchio

Monday, January 16, 2006

Boots.....or how to crack up Mama

Um, yeah could I get some help with these? (notice the dark window over his left (your right) shoulder)

no? I'll do it myself
help you

Mama, why are you rolling on the floor?

The 4:20 express

morning train

Sunday, January 15, 2006


Helpin my friends get things done...
ren knitting with Moo

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Boots? Door? Help you?

New favorite words include "boots?" as in "put my puts on I want to go outside, I dont care if it is raining.

rainy day2

If the "boots?" doesn't work he will stand by the door holding on to the door knob, whining and saying "ouutttt, oooooutttt."

rainyday three

This morning he had one boot on, brought me the other "help you?" He asked ( I usually ask him "can I help you?") then followed by "thank you"... which he will say over and over again until you say "your welcome"
rainy day wet

Uh, it's wet here.

A room of ones' own

...because sometimes you have people to call and stuff

at the office

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Dare I say... Norman Rockwell-ish?


Thursday, January 05, 2006

Moo Watch: Day Five

Still not %100.
day five

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

and on the third day

There was movement. In fact by bedtime, there was running and closing and shutting of doors (hi! Mamma..Hi!!) There was even quilting....
signs of life

and now for something completely different. 32 Weeks and counting
32 weeks

Moo watch 2006: Day Three

Still on the couch.
day three
...but his tempature is down

Sunday, January 01, 2006

2006: Day One

So far not a good day for the Moo.

He woke up, had a bath, had breakfast, then a nap and things went rapidly down hill.

At 12:30pm he had a fever of 103 and so he took a nap.
first day sick

4pm he woke up and had some juice, watched the Muppet Movie
watching the muppets

Then some crackers and Thomas the Tank Engine
Watching tank engine

7pm...."nigh nigh"

Poor little buddy, still running a fever. Hope tomorrow is better for him.