Thomas has had it..
He's looking for work

What's with these Child Labor Laws anyway?

A blog, all about the experiences of two little ones in the Pacific Northwest
It is hard work training the puppy, Thomas needs all the rest he can sneak in. Here he fell asleep watching the puppy sleep.
When your grandma is the librarian a the city library, you spend a lot of time there...eating books, licking the floor, riding the pandas,
Somehow I missed Thomas's 14 month birthday. What a bad mother I am...He looks pretty
It says, "any new pics?" Now being on the East coast she has a few hours start on our day, but today I am posting pictures before I get the email.
Thomas had a hard weekend of playing...all around the house...
It’s been a rough week at the Moo Residence. Thomas has been sick since Tuesday night, and Mama, Grandma and Daddy have had their share of the nausea and the puking. But we appear to be on the mend. Daddy went back to work today, Mama went for a run and Mr. Moo ate toast, raisins and rice checks for breakfast (that is more than he ate all last week).