Thomas is starting to look like Mini-Me. He is about 30 pounds now, so about the size Duke was (My cousin's smallish terrier). He has a fully rounded head with a sparse crop of red hair on top. I find myself hand-combing it a lot but at a distance of ten feet he mostly looks bald still. He has crawling down. If you put him down and then walk 20 feet away he'll give you an 'all right then' sort of look and then put his head down, square his crawling shoulders, and then crawl on over and pull on your pant leg. He knows that the action is up in the air when you pick him up and transport him to other locales. Last night, when he was doing the full length of the house crawl, I tried to reward him by taking him on a whirlwind tour of the ground floor and the deck so that he would learn that hard work has it's just rewards. Sometimes, though, I feel like a tripod machine from the War of the Worlds novel, doing the bidding of some strange new life form who is the next generation.
Our Two Sons
A blog, all about the experiences of two little ones in the Pacific Northwest
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